Tuesday, December 18, 2007

makin a show

So as a little follow up to my previous entry that came out of pure disappointment, mostly in myself, I thought I'd write my afterthoughts in this here blog.

I need to start promoting better. The concerts are good, they have a cool idea behind them, and it would all be better if people could come out and actually experience them. All people, not just those I know that are on my mailling list.

So, I suppose this means that I need to start advertising more. And this means that I need to come up with a real something to lure people in, make them intrigued by the concert.
Here are ideals that I'd like the series to be about:

- Classical music in an intimate, laid back environment- enjoyable to performers and audience
- both p and a should want to come again

- Audience members and performers learning a little something from the performances
-performers talk about pieces- and as they are most likely playing something they truly enjoy, the talks usually have interesting tidbits of info

- People hanging out during intermission and after the concert, eating food and talking
-no wall between performers and audience members
-contacts/networking occurring between all those involved

I want to come up with a better title for the series that would kind of make obvious that the concert has a purpose (not just "Heaven Classical Series").

Anyway, if anyone who might read this has ideas for a series title, PLEASE comment! I want a title that will become associated with this thing and make it a regular name in these parts.

Once I got that covered, I will get myself ready to start planning and advertising well in advance of the next show (January 27!) and there WILL be an audience there.


Evan said...

How about "Bayreuth Chicago"? Too obscure? Too snobby? At least one of the two, probably.

Jenny said...

well, i had to look up what it was, though once i did i remembered learning about it in music school... however, it might alienate those folks who didn't go to music school. i like the thought though. seriously, keep thinking! and tell me!